Your Future, Your Choice

welkom to Nuenens College

The time is almost here. The children from Group 8 are about to become secondary school students. An exciting new period is about to begin for them. As a parent or guardian, of course, you want to be as prepared as possible. That’s why we’d like to introduce ourselves to you.

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Nice to meet you, we are Nuenens College! A VMBO school in the heart of the Brainport region where students are at the center. On this page, you’ll find more information.

The First Weeks

The first weeks at secondary school can be exciting for students. We closely monitor what’s happening at our school and place great importance on ensuring that everyone feels comfortable with us. The mentor guides the students well during this initial period, helping them feel at home quickly.

Attention to Our Students

If things get a bit tough, the support team can assist the student and their mentor. We offer special transition training for students who may struggle with the transition from primary to secondary school. It can be quite challenging: suddenly having a lot of homework, a different subject every hour, and the need to plan well. But because we pay close attention to this, everything will work out just fine. Can a student handle a higher level than initially expected? Advancing is very easy at Nuenens College. We keep a close eye on the development of our students.

Making Their Own Choices

At Nuenens College, we believe it’s important for students to learn how to make their own choices. This starts in lower secondary with the choice of a pathway. In Year 3, profiles and elective subjects are added. This way, students can further develop their interests. What they learn and how they learn is up to them. Of course, our teachers oversee the learning objectives. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the student leaves our school with a broad exit profile (and a diploma!), fully prepared for the future!

 Learning Outside of School

At Nuenens College, learning doesn’t just happen from books. We open our doors wide. This way, we bring the outside world in, and we regularly go out ourselves. We also visit organizations and businesses in the region. It’s not only fun but also very educational! 

Brainport School

Nuenens College is a so-called Brainport School. What does that mean? Offering future-oriented education! Our goal is to further stimulate the self-development of students. The focus is on creativity, technology, entrepreneurship, and internationalization. But most importantly: a Brainport School ensures that students can develop their talents to the fullest.


Onderwijs niveaus

Nuenens College offers education at three levels:

Basic Vocational Pathway

The Basic Vocational Pathway (VMBO-b) prepares students for the basic vocational programs (level 2) of MBO. This pathway is especially suitable for students who enjoy practical work and want to develop their skills in a specific profession. The focus is on practical subjects and internships to ensure a smooth transition to MBO.

Intermediate Vocational Pathway

The Intermediate Vocational Pathway (VMBO-k) prepares students for advanced vocational programs (levels 3 and 4) of MBO. The focus is on both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, providing students with a strong foundation for their future vocational training. In addition, VMBO-k offers various internships and practical assignments, allowing students to gain early experience in their chosen field.

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Theoretical Pathway

The Theoretical Pathway (VMBO-t) is comparable to the former MAVO. With a diploma from the Theoretical Pathway, students can follow vocational programs at level 3 or middle management programs at level 4 in MBO. A VMBO-t diploma also grants access to HAVO. With an additional subject, VMBO-t students are entitled to admission to HAVO.


Want to know more?

We inform parents and students in various ways. Do you have questions or would you like more information? Please send an email to